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A new way of collaboration inside the Multiverse

You can read this article in spanish HERE: Una nueva forma de colaboración en el Multiverso | ENCAMINA

Thinking about how the personas use the collaboration tools and how they are interacting with other personas, why not define a collaboration in the Multiverse? Why not try to connect the multiverse world with the real world?

Microsoft Teams is the collaboration tool where the people work and collaborate with their teammates and with the business process. Microsoft Teams as a platform has a big impact on the way those people participate in the company process, and it makes a great impact on productivity. The idea is not only to put the processes or the applications inside Microsoft Teams, we need to change the way the users work with the applications and put a bit of collaboration on it.

Working with Firstline Workers, a process is not always a piece of software that runs on a CPU, most of the time, for this kind of worker, a process also has physical environments with machines, sensors, and robots. For that, we need to have a connection between this physical environment, the software that runs the process and the persona.

And Microsoft Teams is the best platform to help Firstliners to collaborate with the team and with the process.  At ENCAMINA, we have developed a solution to allow collaboration with an industrial production line and help workers read information and send commands to the machines.

Teams as a platform using Power Virtual Agent

As you can see in the image, we read the machines information from SCADA, applying some AI algorithms to generate business insights. We put all these insights available on a bot using Power Virtual Agent that allows workers to query any data of the insights but also to send proactive commands to control the process that the machines are running.

At this time, we have connected the physical world of a company with the digital world of teams, improving the collaboration between the two worlds and the personas that manage the process of both worlds.

What happens with the metaverse world? Is it possible to connect to other worlds to create a multiverse of collaboration? We did it. Using the same Power Virtual Agent bot, we allow a worker to connect to the metaverse to view all the machines that are running the process and interact with all these pieces using the voice, running commands talking with the metaverse bot.

Multiverse collaboration architecture

Using Microsoft Mesh as the metaverse platform, we create a multi-channel experience to allow collaboration between personas-processes-machines. Digital Twin is the core of the digital representation of the physical world, Microsoft Teams is the platform for connecting all these stuffs and Power Virtual Agent is the enabler of the multi-channel.


About Alberto Diaz Martin

Alberto Diaz cuenta con más de 15 años de experiencia en la Industria IT, todos ellos trabajando con tecnologías Microsoft. Actualmente, es Chief Technology Innovation Officer en ENCAMINA, liderando el desarrollo de software con tecnología Microsoft, y miembro del equipo de Dirección. Para la comunidad, trabaja como organizador y speaker de las conferencias más relevantes del mundo Microsoft en España, en las cuales es uno de los referentes en SharePoint, Office 365 y Azure. Autor de diversos libros y artículos en revistas profesionales y blogs, en 2013 empezó a formar parte del equipo de Dirección de CompartiMOSS, una revista digital sobre tecnologías Microsoft. Desde 2011 ha sido nombrado Microsoft MVP, reconocimiento que ha renovado por séptimo año consecutivo. Se define como un geek, amante de los smartphones y desarrollador. Fundador de TenerifeDev (www.tenerifedev.com), un grupo de usuarios de .NET en Tenerife, y coordinador de SUGES (Grupo de Usuarios de SharePoint de España, www.suges.es)
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