Categorías: casos éxito

Boosting IKEA’s digital relationships with the help of AI

We always feel super-proud of our projects, but on this occasion, the magnitude of the client and the ambitiousness of the purpose, have made everything more transcendental. ENCAMINA has developed for IKEA an ambitious data science project, based on Microsoft Azure Databricks, whose goal is to customize the experience provided to each customer to the maximum.

In recent years, the need to maintain a digital relationship with customers has multiplied, and IKEA is engaged in a continuous transformation to change the way its products are presented, both within and outside its stores, in line with the demand of its customers.

Its particular scenario demanded an advanced technological solution, focused on data science, that would provide high flexibility and allow to put the focus on innovation, reduce costs and increase functionalities… and that’s where ENCAMINA came into play.

From the start, our proposal was Azure Databricks, a platform that allowed IKEA to implement its big data component by component, reducing the time required for deployment and facilitating day-to-day management and operation, thanks to the simplicity and integration of Microsoft’s cloud platform.

The integration process was very fast and has allowed IKEA to accelerate the implementation of actions, while minimizing resource usage and costs.

Several media outlets such as Byte Magazine CIOSpain, Channel Partner, or Microsoft’s own news channel, have echoed the news 🙂

Publicado por
Laura Blanch

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